Word for 2022

by | Jan 1, 2022 | Faith

Do you choose a word for the year? I’ve hesitated to do it in the past because I haven’t ever felt strongly enough about any particular word to claim for an entire year. Possibly because of my love for words, I’ve found it hard to pin down just one to encapsulate all I hope & envision for the entire year.

But throughout the year the idea of STEADFASTNESS kept coming up. Both in my Bible reading & studying, & as I’ve processed what was occurring in my heart & in circumstances around me, the Holy Spirit kept impressing upon me to remain firm, established, unswerving, & STEADFAST in my faith.

One thing years past have taught me is that, while each new year brings a sense of hope at the idea of a fresh slate, it also brings feelings of uncertainty & apprehension. We have no idea what the next year holds. . . it may hold incredible joy, unimaginable accomplishments, beautiful experiences, or amazing new relationships. But it may also hold unknown pain, disappointment, & trial. 

The thing that helps me prepare for the unknown of the coming days of 2022 is facing it all with a STEADFASTNESS that comes from faith & the knowledge of God’s unchanging, STEADFAST love & sovereignty. 

Along with the word STEADFAST, I have also chosen 1 Corinthians 15:58 as my verse for the year: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

This word & His Word will serve as a reminder of how I want to encounter whatever this year brings me:

Unmovable in my belief in the unchanging character of God, unshakable in my determination to face whatever this year holds. 

Firm in the resolve to love others well, based on God’s love for others, & not my own expectations of what love should entail. Always with a biblical understanding of how to do that and not society’s perception of what it looks like.

Determined to faithfully walk out in obedience to the callings God has placed in my life; as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, mentor, and writer.  

Dedicated to taking care of this body He has given me. Fueling it with good things, moving it with exercise & activity, paying attention to it so that I am aware when I need rest, respite, & renewal in order to better take care of what God has me with patience, grace, & perspective. 

Committed to God’s Word; reading, studying, & living out what the bible says. Daily reading it like a book written by the Ultimate Author, digging into its truths as if it’s more precious than gold, actively choosing to live out the precepts given from Genesis to Revelation. Choosing to read books that grow my soul, increase my wisdom, & encourage my determination to be steadfast in my walk with God. 

And steady in the way I walk, always looking at an “ultimately” perspective: Ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, what is God going to produce in me through the events of the upcoming year, be they circumstances of trial or gladness? How will He use the complete picture of 2022 to grow me in godliness & character so that I am more like Jesus? 

Keeping the word STEADFAST at the forefront of my thoughts & actions will give me the reminder to keep my mind always on what God is doing in & through my life for my good & His glory. 

What word will you choose for 2022? Can I suggest that you take some time to reflect on what God had you face in 2021, pray about what He will do in your life in this next year, & thoughtfully choose a word that will serve as a reminder of His faithfulness & love.