Crossing The Finish Line

by | Aug 6, 2021 | Faith | 2 comments

Guest Post by Theresa Miller

Rounding a corner, I anticipated the finish just ahead. Picking up my pace, joy welled within my chest and caught my throat. I could hardly breathe through the emotion. As I zeroed in on that banner before me, the tears welling knew nothing of my aching joints. Over 400 miles of training had paid off. I was about to cross the finish line.

Recently, I had the urge to run a marathon. Within days of deciding, I mapped out an 18-week training schedule and began to hit the pavement. It was like God said, “Go!” And I went without looking back. 

Much like signing up for a race, when I committed my life to Christ as a child, it was like God said, “Go!” and I went with no intention of looking back. 

Yet life’s course is not so straight forward, is it? We often find ourselves navigating challenging obstacles, wandering off course, and feeling lost without direction. I’ve been guilty of taking my eyes off the goal, time and time again. 

Much like signing up for a race, when I committed my life to Christ as a child, it was like God said, “Go!” and I went with no intention of looking back. 

Theresa Miller

Over the years, however, I’ve learned that staying the course has little to do with the ups and downs of my circumstances and everything to do with fixing my eyes on the goal no matter what the circumstance. In Hebrews 12:1-2, Paul reminds us how we overcome all that stands in our way in order to run with focus and endurance.

“…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith…” 

Speaking to the newly converted believers, Paul was exhorting them to cast off the focus of self and circumstances that were weighing them down and to fix their eyes on Christ, their chief example of running the race well. 

Let’s be honest. This race we’re running is tough. It’s easy to get caught up in the snare of our circumstances, demanding our way is right. At times, it can feel like a fight to the finish. But Isaiah 45:2 promises, I will go before you and make the crooked paths straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron.” 

Jesus did this for us when he defeated death and the difficult challenges we face by enduring the cross. Today His Spirit continues to go before us, making straight those crooked paths as we set our eyes on him. 

I’ve had difficult circumstances to overcome. We all do at some point or another in this life. Yet, fixing my eyes on Christ has meant taking them off of myself and the circumstances weighing me down. It has meant allowing Christ’s light to penetrate the broken pieces of my life over time and renew hope for attaining the goal set before me.

Friend, you too were appointed this race for the joy of attaining one goal—the victory found in God’s glorious presence. 

Today, if you’re feeling weary or discouraged, fix your eyes on Christ as you put one foot in front of the other. He goes before you, making the way. I want this for you so that in the end we can both declare…

As I rounded that corner, joy welled within my chest and caught my throat. I could hardly breathe through the emotion…the endurance of running the race had paid off. I was about to cross the finish line.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Theresa is a wife, mother of four, and homeschool parent. Weaving words has been the expressive outlet she has enjoyed from a young age, bringing clarity to life’s complexities. Theresa authored Heavenly Glimpses blog from 2009-2014, where she captured glimpses of the extraordinary in the ordinary everyday life of motherhood. She has been published on InCourage, Sally Clarkson’s Mom Heart blog, MOPS ezine, and others. Theresa currently writes devotions and encouragement for women on social media and manages Dandelions, Potholes, & Wrinkles ( ) with her three sisters. You can find her on IG @heavenlyglimpses ( ) and on her FB page, Theresa M. Miller, Writer (


  1. Jeannette

    Theresa, I needed to hear this today! Your way of writing speaks to my heart. I need to let Christ’s light to penetrate me today!

  2. Laura

    Yes!! Keeping our eyes on Jesus, not our circumstances. Beautiful words!