Making Resolutions Stick

Making Resolutions Stick

It’s that time of year when I find myself facing the question, “Do I make a New Year’s Resolution or not?”  Making (and inevitably breaking) resolutions are a love/hate relationship for me, making me nearly go into a complete panic at the thought of it. I have...
Word for 2022

Word for 2022

Do you choose a word for the year? I’ve hesitated to do it in the past because I haven’t ever felt strongly enough about any particular word to claim for an entire year. Possibly because of my love for words, I’ve found it hard to pin down just one to encapsulate all...
Hindsight is 2020

Hindsight is 2020

My mother was known for wise sayings; one she would often say to my brothers and I was, “Even the best made plans are quickly unmade.” She would tell us this, especially in our teenage years, when we would be disappointed about plans unraveling because...